Mollahat Children Youth and Community Development Project (MCYCDP)
Child and Youth wellbeing-focused Mollahat Children Youth & Community Development Project (MCYCDP) is on implementation in Bagerhat district southern part of Bangladesh.Beginning of this project the targeted villages of Atjuri and Kodalia union of Mollahat upazila project started its development intervention organizing and educating children, youth, women and other community people and stakeholder on rights and protection so they have better understanding, knowledge on child rights and protection and have access to enjoy their rights e.g. education, no discrimination, early marriage, child labor, child abuse and participate in decision making. Moreover, create awareness’ to have improved health, personal hygiene practices and create opportunity for safe water supply to reduce sufferings due to water borne diseases. Educating and awareness’ building on women’s rights to have better understanding about gender equality, raise their voice and value their contribution and participation in family and society so there are reduced vulnerable to become the victim of social exploitations and accessing to various services and opportunities in exercising rights. Educating and awareness’ building among community for disable and deprived people so they have better access and opportunity to participate in development intervention and have better accessibility to public allocation. Moreover, leadership and skill development of community-based organization to gradually take over the responsibility to carry on child and youth focus program and practices for their development.