Resilience To Reduce Risk (R3)
Resilience to Reduce Risk (R3) project is located in the Satkhira district which is situated along the Bay of Bengal is also one of the poorest and faces several issues including persistent waterlogging, salinity, and arsenic water poisoning, cyclones that strike unpredictably, and rising sea levels brought on by climate change. Lack of knowledge and capacity among the community on disaster management, resilience skills, and climate change adaptation made them more vulnerable to disaster impact. In the first phase of this project community knowledge skills and capacity have been built through different disaster management awareness sessions, emergency response and rescue capacity building, disaster management and IGA training and input, organizing community forming different groups and committees, conducting CRA and RRAP, and networking with local govt. departments to work jointly to minimize disaster risk. Presently, the project is working closely with the target community for their agriculture and livelihood capacity development to become more resilient to economic loss and vulnerability caused by the disaster and climate change effect.
In the first and second phases project has initiated and introduced different climate-smart technologies and environment-friendly approaches to motivate the community in the area of safe agriculture livelihood, climate change adaptation, and mitigation by initiating hazard tolerance and early entry seed for vegetable cultivation, solar run irrigation pump, wash block and water points, natural & vermin compost plots, bio-gas plant, environment-friendly cooking stove and eco-friendly community point.
The project is also working with the community and structure to create a better platform and environment opportunity for the community, particularly for farmers to have better access to the market to get fair prices for their agriculture products.